The center of Khabarovsk has all the major entertainment areas of the city.
The Far-Eastern Art Museum ranks amongst Russia's best and has been awarded numerous awards and commendations This museum has an impressive collection of Russian and European art dating back to the 15th century, as well as samples of art by native nationalities of the region
 If you are interested in the history, economy, or culture of the Khabarovsky Kray, make sure to stop by the Kray Local Lore Museum, the Military History Museum, the Geological, or the Archaeological Museum.
State Museum of the Far East was based on April 19, 1894 on the initiative of the Priamursky department of Russian geographic society. The outstanding scientists, public figures, enthusiasts, such as P.Shmidkevitch, V.Margaritov, V.Rudakov, N.Grodekov, N.Desulavin, S.Vankov, took part in creation and accumulation of museum collections. In 1910-1918 and in 1925-1926 V.Arseniev - the Far East researcher and writer - was the director of the museum.  In its centenary the museum was named after N.Grodekov - general-governor, honorary citizen of Khabarovsk, who took part in foundation of the museum.
In 1975 a new building was attached to the museum. The exposition devoted to the history of the Soviet society and the panorama "Volotchaevskaya Battle" are homed there. Today, the museum funds have more than 200 thousand unique exhibits, telling about natural features and resources of the Khabarovsk region, life and customs of the indigenous people, history of the region, beginning from the most ancient times and up today.
The museum is a member of the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Nowadays the museum reserves include more than 328.438 thousand items. Many of them are exposed in 12 sections of the museum. Annually the museum is visited by 180.000 people. More than 2500 excursions, lectures and lessons are given here. 9 moving exhibitions are displayed in the museum and in other cultural-educational institutions of the city.


Archaeological Museum named after A.P. Okladnikova in Khabarovsk is absolutely unique. The museum funds number about 160 thousand archaeological objects, more than a thousand of which have no analogues not only not in Russia, but throughout the world. Museum expositions tell about the history of the region and the original ancient cultures of the Amur region, who lived here at different periods of time. The most interesting artifacts are archaeological sites-petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan, Sheremetyevo writings and finds from the first medieval settlements on this territory.For children, the museum is of particular interest, because in addition to visiting window displays with ancient relics, they can take part in unusual master classes, during which children learn to write birch bark, learn about the ancient writing of the Neolithic times, and also try to make fire on their own without the help of lighters and matches.



The museum is located in the ancient building on the Amur riverside in the historical city center. The building is an architecture monument of federal significance. The construction works began in 1904 and were finished in 1907 under the guidance of the project authors - engineers N.Alexandrov and L.Chaikovsky. It functioned as the State Bank till 1930 and since 1983 it has become the Military history museum of the Far-Eastern military district.
The museum halls will tell you about: 

  • The development of the Far-Eastern territories, their defense in the period before the revolution 1917; 
  • The Civil war 1918-1922 and the foreign military intervention; 
  • The Far-Eastern people on the fronts of the Great Patriotic war; 
  • The modern district army.

There is a collection of battle banners of the civil and the Great Patriotic wars periods, both domestic and foreign fire and cold weapon, USSR awards and medals, regimentals and equipment, samples of military equipment, military picture works and war-political posters.


is based on the private collection of the Veretennikov family, which features talking cars and audio media released from 1880 to 1980.

 In 2013, the collection of old players, records, phonographs and radios that were repaired and put into operation began. It was these exhibits that became the basis of the Museum of the World of Talking Machines.

The museum exposition is located in three thematic halls "Vintage", "USSR", "Disco". There is a local history corner in the museum. It is here that you will have a unique opportunity to hear the real works of the indigenous peoples of the Amur region, to get acquainted with their unique culture. But not only. Only in this museum you will find a story about the life and work of the cult characters of the musical culture of the Khabarovsk Territory. And, first of all, about grandfather Matvey (Matvey Pavlovich Zhuravlev), the author and performer of the most popular songs about Khabarovsk, the initiator of the opening of the pop department at the Khabarovsk College of Arts.

 The museum will tell you about the development of sound recording from the first "miracle machines" with their plates and "rollers" to CDs. You will learn many life stories in the center of which one of the museum exhibits.

 Here, the technical features of the recording are combined with the study of the humanitarian side of the world, understanding of oneself, culture and life.




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О нас

Туристическая фирма «Солнечный мир» работает на рынке туризма с 2000 года. За прошедшее время компания смогла найти хороших партнеров, чтобы работать так, чтобы отдых для ее клиентов был самым комфортным и незабываемым.

В числе приоритетных направлений – социально-культурный туризм, в частности детский. Причем «Солнечный мир» организует поездки детей в разные страны мира – Чехию, Китай, Японию не только на отдых, но и для участия в международных фестивалях творчества.

«Солнечный мир» организует оздоровительные туры по России, в Китай, Израиль и Чехию на основании договоров с санаториями и клиниками этих стран. Следует заметить, что услуги фирмы пользуются большим спросом. Только в КНР компания ежегодно отправляет более 5 тысяч российских туристов. В адрес «Солнечного мира» приходят сотни благодарственных писем. Деятельность туроператора отмечена многими правительственными грамотами и дипломами.

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